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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:29    点击次数:160



League of Legends, also known as LoL, is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game played by millions around the world. Among the many characters available in the game, one of the most iconic is known as the "Jungle Tank," or heavy damage dealer, champion, Rengar. In this article, we will dive into the world of Rengar, his role in the game and how to play him effectively.

Who is Rengar?

Rengar is a champion in League of Legends that is usually played in the jungle position. He is known for his ability to deal out heavy damage to enemies while also being able to take a considerable amount of damage himself. His kit includes a passive ability that grants him bonus damage based on his critical strike chance and an ultimate that allows him to jump onto his enemies and take them down quickly.

Playing as Rengar

To play Rengar effectively, it is important to understand his abilities and how to use them to your advantage. One of his key abilities is his Q ability, called Savagery. This ability causes Rengar to leap toward his target and deal massive damage. It's important to note that using this ability on a monster in the jungle will reset Rengar's auto-attack timer, allowing him to deal even more damage.

Another ability that is important when playing as Rengar is his W ability, Battle Roar. This ability gives Rengar a significant amount of health regeneration and can be used to tank damage from monsters and enemy champions alike. Finally, his ultimate ability, Thrill of the Hunt, allows Rengar to go invisible for a short period of time and gain a movement speed boost. This ability is great for initiating fights or escaping danger.

Playing Against Rengar

When playing against Rengar, it is important to be aware of his burst potential and his ability to jump onto you from out of nowhere. Warding your jungle and staying close to your team can help to prevent Rengar from getting the drop on you. Additionally, building items like Zhonya's Hourglass, which allows you to go invulnerable for a brief period of time, can be helpful when fighting against Rengar.


Rengar is a powerful champion in League of Legends who is both fun to play and challenging to play against. Whether you're looking to play as the Jungle Tank or take him on as an enemy, understanding his abilities and how to use them effectively is key to success. By incorporating Rengar into your gameplay repertoire, you can become a stronger and more versatile player in the world of League of Legends.

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